MBA同学说 | 8国MBA同学谈RCEP

MBA同学说 | 8国MBA同学谈RCEP 长江商学院 近日,经过八年的艰苦谈判,中国、日本、韩国、澳大利亚、新西兰和东盟十国共15国通过视频签署《区域全面经济伙伴关系协定》(RCEP),宣告亚太区域全面经济伙伴关系组织成立。






长江商学院Global MBA项目一直以培养新生代经济颠覆式商业领袖为目标,通过引领式研究与原创商业洞见,实现多元思维碰撞与智慧启迪。

RCEP的签署对成员国有什么意义?来自8个成员国的Global MBA同学分享了他们的看法:

Charlie Chen

CKGSB Global MBA 2018


RCEP is an extremely significant milestone in world history. This is a unique opportunity for the Asia Pacific region to collectively build the foundations of a prosperous, post pandemic world. It is undeniable that the Asia Pacific region will continue to play an increasingly vital role in the global context especially as we consider the sheer population, economic growth, technological and business model innovation occurring in the region.

This however, is just the beginning of a longer journey ahead. There is still a lot of ground to be covered and all parties within the public and private sectors will need to play a role in collaboratively shaping the future of not just the Asia Pacific region, but of the world. I am looking forward to contributing to and seeing the positive outcomes following the implementation of the RCEP for the benefit of people, businesses and communities both in the region and beyond for many years to come."

Phil Park

CKGSB Global MBA 2020


Overall, as a Korean, I welcome Korea's participation in the RCEP. Around 70% of Korean GDP comes from foreign trade, and it means the Korean economy is heavily dependent on international trade. Since the global trend of free trade is benefiting Korea, I think Korea should be the one who leads various free trade agreements. Nevertheless, we need to look at the other side of it.

Another FTA participation will provoke even more increased competition in the economy, and it will weaken the relatively uncompetitive industries such as agriculture and primary manufacturing. Therefore, the Korean government should find practical methods to protect uncompetitive fields.

Raymond Tan

CKGSB Global MBA 2015


As an entrepreneur in Malaysia, I see plenty of opportunities from the RCEP. In the short term, the main benefit will be increased trade with China, which is one of the few countries in the world that still has positive economic growth. Given the facts that we are a trading nation and that most of our trade partners will probably continue being in recession over the next 1-2 years, more trade with China will be one of the main levers for the Malaysian economy to recover from the pandemic. In the longer term, the RCEP is the correct next step for our region to move towards an EU-style trade bloc.

Having lived in Europe for 10 years, I have personally experienced the benefits of such a convenient free-trade arrangement. The reduction in red tape for intra-bloc import/export will make it so much easier for even small businesses to trade across the region. The biggest losers from this trade deal will be the countries that did not join in, since member countries will trade more with each other and less with non-member countries.

Shota Seiriki

CKGSB Global MBA 2021


RCEP is one of factors to promote economic collaboration in Asian countries. According to the article published by BBC News," The Peterson Institute for International Economics estimates the deal could increase global national income by $186bn annually by 2030 and add 0.2% to the economy of its member states." China and Japan, these two countries has big influence among the party.

I found that I need to understand more as a Japanese. This partnership includes the common rules of internets services. Internetservice will take part of economy more and more. I think these rules are important for us to compete and collaborate among us. I hope the Asian countries to be collaborated more than now.

Allen Poon

CKGSB Global MBA 2020


In recent years, the global multilateral system which has upheld peace and prosperity for the past few decades has been weakened amid a backlash against globalization and renewed calls for trade and investment protectionism. This is concerning given that many of the world’s most pressing and complex challenges, including climate change and the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, are transnational in nature and would require nations to cooperate.

Against this backdrop, I am heartened by the announcement that fifteen Asia-Pacific countries in varying stages of development (including China and my home country, Singapore) have come together to sign the world’s largest trade agreement, and in so doing, send a positive signal to the world about their joint commitment to trade liberalization and regional economic integration.

That the RCEP negotiations took eight long years to conclude indicates how tough it is to achieve consensus amongst a large and diverse group of countries; be that as it may, the signing of RCEP sends a loud and timely message that if we all try hard enough and negotiate in good faith, it is eminently possible to set aside differences and partner each other in the pursuit of mutually beneficial outcomes.

SUN Peizhen

CKGSB Global MBA 2020


It is the most populous and potential FTA in the world. The signing of RCEP brings certain benefits to each member country. The imbalance of internal demand and supply can be balanced and promoted in the trade between countries, thus driving the GDP of each member country. The overall development of member countrieswill also drive the development of other regions of the world. This is a very global move. As a student of CKGSBGlobal MBA program, this is an opportunity for us, because we can better develop our global vision and cross-cultural communication ability.

Ahar Ti

CKGSB Global MBA 2020


RCEP: Asia-Pacific countries form world's largest trading bloc

From the overall, several countries should be benefiting from tax allowance from each other which would be a plus point.

Since Europe and/or US allow certain tax exemption towards Myanmar in the past several years, several sectors have been benefited visibly. E.g. many apparel brand owners have requested the garment factories to move the investment from neighboring countries such as China and Vietnam to Myanmar in order to benefit this tax exemption.

As a result, many garment factories being built and invest in Myanmar in the past years where there are many people benefited from the jobs and landowners also gain much better rental fees as compared to the past. The has contributed towards the better standard of living at the same time.

In addition, on top of the current visa exemption agreement between ASEAN countries, it would be better if there is agreement to extend into the 5 new countries of RCEP. Free movement would enhance better trade moving among different countries where it can be quite limited at the moment.

The free travel agreement would also enhance the hospitality sector better for all countries where visa approval seeking could still be a big step for several countries among RCEP countries currently.

Hour LY

CKGSB Global MBA 2018


・Short-term Effect of RCEP

During COVID-19 pandemic, the economy of many developed countries has been negatively impacted. In the meantime, when the upstream economy has not been working normally, the major export countries such as China, Japan and Korea cannot grow its economy even when they can control the pandemic quite effectively. With the presence of RCEP, the three countries can use their available resources to save 1/3 of the global economy first. Because RCEP will give 10 Southeast Asian countries opportunity to increase their export and local investment to many countries under this agreement, they can enjoy many tariff incentives and equal treatment in trade partnership among the region.

・Long-term Effect of RCEP

Regionalized tariff reduction strategy of RCEP will fix many issues for multi corporations. The 15 countries can be more collaborative to cooperate with one another after joining RCEP because they can use their potential to make the best interest for their countries fairly and equally. Each member has a great advantage in many areas such as demography, economy, and population; and the size of the new free trade zone will be bigger than both the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement’s and the European Union’s. Combining all the above factors, RCEP can certainly create a new world leader and can save the powerless countries from being suppressed by some restrictions of EU and USA that restricts them from having grown in a fairly independent system.







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